"You don't need another course... You already know what you need to do..."

Let's keep it simple & focus on revenue generating activities... 

Let's keep it simple & focus on revenue generating activities... We will hold you accountable...

Accountability Group Coaching starts Monday, May 20th

Registration closes & the class starts on Monday, May 20th:
Registration closes & 
the group starts in:

From: Joe McCall
Date: Wednesday, May 15th, 2024
Subject: "Offer Challenge" Accountability Group Invitation (Please RSVP)

Gavin and I are doing a new 'Accountability Group' challenge starting next week.

We're excited about this because during times of uncertainty, people need community... we need direction, clarity, accountability... we just need help focusing on what's most important.

So... what's the most important thing that we need to be focusing on?

Making offers and talking to sellers!

What we've realized is this...

You don't need another course. You don't need more information.

Most of you already know what you need to do - you know how to do the deals, the marketing... and if you don't, there is tons of free information out there (including my podcast and my YouTube channel).

But... let's stop using the excuse of needing "more learning." Let's stop being "professional students" who never take any action.

Let's focus on a goal... and let's hold each other accountable.

So that's why Gavin and I decided to do this challenge... we want to challenge you to focus on what's most important... and that is making offers.

This group challenge is all about accountability. 

We want to hold you accountable to do the things you need to do in order to make offers.

Because we all know... your speed to income in this business is DIRECTION PROPORTIONAL to the amount of offers you make.

So... in this 30 day challenge, we want to see you to make 1 offer a day.

If you think that's crazy, that's okay... you don't have to join us. We'll work with those who KNOW it's possible... and we'll all grow our businesses together.

This group challenge is not about learning anything new... you already know what you need to know (And we'll help you fill in any of the missing pieces).

This challenge is about taking consistent action and having Gavin and me in your corner to hold you accountable... every step of the way.

So... this new "Offer Accountability" challenge starts on May 20th. 

The cost is $500... but it's completely free IF you complete it! (more on that later...)

This "accountability" group is going to be all about taking consistent, daily action in order to achieve the goal of making 1 offer every single day. This will, in turn, lead to more deals and more opportunity.

Here is some of what we are going to work on, for the 30 day challenge:
Week 1: Crash Course

For the first week, we're going to be hopping on Zoom and in our private Kajabi community every day with short trainings each morning. This will be critical for those of you who do need a little more training so you can get to the point of making offers. 

We'll be going over simple marketing, how to talk to sellers, the basic contracts to use, etc. This challenge isn't about being on the phone a long time, or spending hours analyzing a deal. It's about making quick, decisive action on properties and getting offers out there. Yes, even in this market (maybe especially in this market) sellers are motivated.

So, in this first week, we're going to help make sure you're comfortable making these offers every day. But, we're also going to be starting the accountability right away... and we want to see you make 1 offer a day, even on day 1!

Talk to the seller/realtor, then make the offer.
As part of this challenge, it's important that you talk to the seller (or Realtor) first, then make an offer. This is especially important if you want to get your money back (more on that below). It's also important because... blind offers don't get accepted nearly as much as when you spend even just a few minutes on the phone with the seller, okay?

Weeks 2-5 - Accountability and Coaching.

After week 1, we are going to be hopping on Q&A calls every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. You'll have multiple opportunities every single week to run a deal by us, or ask a question about an offer. 

In addition to the Q&A calls, you'll also have the private Kajabi community where you can go and ask each other questions, post your scorecard updates, and help each other out. That's the beauty of accountability.

Keeping track of your numbers on your Scorecard.
We are going to have a scorecard for every participant. You'll simply download and use it to keep track of your leads and offers for each day.

You will also be uploading the scorecard to the community regularly. Now, this isn't about public shaming or anything like that... but when you see dozens or hundreds of your fellow investors doing the same thing WITH you... there's a special energy to that. Accountability is a powerful tool to provoke action.
Bottom Line
I hope you're as excited about this as much as I am... 

We are in unprecedented times.  Some of you who have day jobs and were sent home may suddenly have time on your hands.

Rather than become complacent we need to re-channel our focus and thought process and make this time available to us work to our advantage as best we can.

And the best way to do that is to take massive action... and start making offers today!

So over the next few weeks, we’ll be working with a small group personally…  And I only want to work with a handful of people who can implement, test, and report back on their results.

Last time we did something like this, we charged $2,500. But we want to make this as accessible as possible for you. So, for this challenge, we are offering it to you for only $500.
I’m ready to get started right away and I’m inviting YOU to join the Challenge!
Here's How It Will Work
  • Week 1 we will do short, daily trainings on everything you'll need to be successful: how to do seller marketing, talk to sellers, analyze deals, and make offers.
  • ​Week's 2-4 we will have coaching calls every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to help you with deals and answer any questions you have.
  • ​We'll have a private Kajabi community where you will interact with us and other students, hold each other accountable, and report on your scorecard.
  • ​You will have LIFETIME ACCESS to every single call recording, as well as all the provided materials, in a private member's area.
  • ​If you complete the challenge, as outlined below, you'll get your money back!
  • ​If you want, you will have access to our Rolodex of my team, buyers... and we will even partner with you on deals! So you don't have to sweat out the details of "what happens after the offer;" we have you covered.

My Business Completion Challenge: I am going to PAY you to complete the Challenge!

Yes, you read that right.... 

I have what's called a "Business Completion Challenge" and it's quite simple:

If you make 1 offer a day - or 30 offers in the first 30 days - we will give you your $500 deposit back. That's it!

But... you have to prove to us that you are doing the work and taking action.

So... as we said, we'll have that scorecard for you to fill out. You have to show us that you called and talked to sellers and made them offers. You can fill the scorecard out weekly or daily, but you need to submit it at least weekly. 

We also want to see the offers that you're making from your CRM, whatever CRM that you're using.

And... if you can make 30 offers in 30 days (1 offers every day), we're going to give you all of your money back

"But Joe... why are you doing this?!"

Great question. Glad you asked... There are a couple of reasons. 

#1 - I'm hoping to do more deals. I know that if you join this challenge and take action and make offers... you're going to get some of those offers accepted. And if / when you get a deal under contract, maybe you can give it to me and I'll partner with you on the deal?!

Now, that doesn't mean I'm going to do the rest of the deal for you. Okay? You still have to do the work. But if it's a good deal, we'll get on the phone and I'll coach you through the rest of the process. I'll coach you on how to get the tenant buyer and close the deal.

I've got your back...

If you partner with me on a deal, I will also let you use my rolodex... my tenant screening company, my credit repair company, my escrow company, etc, etc. 

You can rely on my experience and coaching, and we'll split the profits 50-50. 

(By the way... I am not guaranteeing that you will do deals, or that all your deals will be profitable, or that we will partner on every deal you bring me. This will be evaluated on a case-by-case, deal-by-deal basis. I reserve the right to turn down any deal. And if I reject a deal you bring me, you have the option of getting a refund for the Challenge.)

#2 - I look at it as an investment in my most valuable asset... which is you, my customer. I want you to be happy. And I know that if you're happy, you're going to be successful, you're going to be doing deals, you're going to give me testimonials, you're going to buy more of my stuff, right?

So it's an investment in you, my most valuable asset. 

And the other thing... I'm looking for more testimonials. If I can get testimonials of people that are setting up their businesses using my systems, and they're getting their money back... that proves to others (like yourself) that my teaching and systems work... and encourages more people to change their lives with my trainings.

But listen... this isn't some kind of gimmick.

It's just my way of giving back, paying you to complete the course. I don't know anybody else that's doing this. 

And I love doing it because it's just a great way to help people and push them off the edge of the fence so they can say, "Yes, okay, let's do this."
The more you implement… the more I’ll work with you.
We’re going to be working closely together, so I’d like you to be sure you have some time to dedicate to this over the next couple of months.
The total cost is $500, and we start on May 20th.

And guys, listen... this is BY FAR the lowest price I have EVER put on something that actually includes personal coaching from me. 

This isn't going to be some 1,000 person "group coaching call" either. This will be limited to 50 or 100 people... because I want to be able to address everyone's questions.

This will sell out, and it will not be available again once it starts.

So... you have until May 20th to join us... or whenever the spots fill up (likely a lot quicker).
Just click the button below… and I’ll take it from there.
Talk soon!

- Joe McCall

PS - Again, this is starting May 20th. And I am only working with a small handful of people. Let me know you’re in before it fills up and starts.
Summary Of What's Included:
  • Week 1 we will do short, daily trainings on everything you'll need to be successful: how to do seller marketing, talk to sellers, analyze deals, and make offers.
  • ​Week's 2-4 we will have coaching calls every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to help you with deals and answer any questions you have.
  • ​We'll have a private community on Kajabi where you will interact with us and other students, hold each other accountable, and report on your scorecard.
  • ​You will have LIFETIME ACCESS to every single call, as well as all the provided materials, in a private member's area.
  • ​If you complete the challenge, as outlined above, you'll get your money back!
  • ​If you want, you will have access to our Rolodex of my team, buyers... and we will even partner with you on deals! 
Registration closes & class starts in:

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Copyright © Joe McCall. All rights reserved

There is no guarantee that you will make any money in this business. In fact, most people don’t. Most people quit and give up when it gets hard. Probably less than 5% of people make any money in real estate investing. This is not a “Get Rich Quick” scheme. This is a legitimate business – and you must treat it as such. You must work hard. And you must invest time and money in marketing. Your results will vary and are NOT guaranteed. Always seek legal advice and counsel before implementing any business opportunity or real estate investing system. Read my full disclaimer here.

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